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Andrej Škufca

​​That which decays is not forgotten and reanimated seeps through boundries

2021, installation (aluminium, PVC, PLA, ABS, alloy of aluminum and polyester, polyester, silicon, elastomer, iron, poliuretan)

They pulled out some of the inventory left in storage from an underground facility near Grosuplje. A container and some other stuff.

Meticulous, yes. Methodical. They were these things. An arrangement in a peculiar location. Nothing extreme. There were signs of wear and damage; some of the materials have started to seep through. None of it could be checked, there was a lot of variation. And then there were parts, good parts, parts that by anyone’s judgment would have to be considered clever. No one would say that it was complicated. It wouldn’t even be considered new except for maybe in a material sense. A lot of it can be traced. They took from their surroundings what was needed and made of it something more.

Andrej Škufca’s work presents itself as a network characterized by fiction, technological design, industrial fabrication processes and synthetic materials. His installations not only combine technological and fictional elements, but produce immersive and seemingly animated environments, in which human agents are no longer central. He has had solo shows in Aksioma, Ljubljana; The International Center of Graphic Arts, Ljubljana; Miroslav Kraljević Gallery, Zagreb; Karlin Studios, FUTURA, Prague; DUM Project Space Ljubljana. And participated in group shows in MAXXI - National Museum of XXI Century Arts, Rome; Ludwig Muzeum, Budapest; Museum of Contemporary Art Metelkova, Ljubljana; Gallery of Modern Art, Ljubljana. He is also an editor at Šum journal.